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Central Texas Creation Teaching Conference – Austin, TX
April 6, 2018 - April 7, 2018
$35Central Texas Creation Teaching Conference with Mike Riddle from Creation Training Initiative at Calvary Chapel of Austin, TX.
WHEN: April 6th-7th, 2018
WHERE: Calvary Austin
1601 Pecan Street W
Austin, TX 78660
CONTACT: https://centraltexascreation.com
COST: $35 (includes 11 sessions, lunch on Saturday, and a manual)
The Central Texas Creation Teaching Conference is designed to help anyone understand the importance of, and the observable evidence for a, literal, six-day creation. Pastors, youth leaders, Sunday school teachers, home school parents, and more will get information on how to teach children and adults this important information. Topics include: Biblical Worldview, Dinosaurs, Fossil Record, Radiometric Dating, Measuring Success, Putting together a talk, and more.
Mike Riddle – President of CTI & Education Specialist
Mike Riddle is an international speaker and educator on Christian education and apologetics. Mike is also an adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis. He holds a degree in mathematics and a graduate degree in education and has been involved in creation ministry for more than thirty years. Prior to getting involved in creation ministry, Mike was a captain in the U.S. Marines and a national champion in track and field.
Mike currently lectures and teaches world-wide on Creation Apologetics, Christian Education, Science and the Bible, and Developing a Biblical Worldview. He resides in Kentucky with his wife Lesley.
Ministry: Creation Training Initiative