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South Side Excursion – Castle Rock, WA
June 21, 2018
Creation Tour with Paul Taylor from Mount St Helens Creation Center in Castle Rock, WA.
WHEN: June 21, 2018
WHERE: Mount St Helens Creation Center
Castle Rock, WA
CONTACT: 360-274-5737
DETAILS: South Side Excursion $15 donation
Join us in one of our trips around the south side of the volcano, visiting the Lahar Viewpoint, June Lake and waterfall, Lava Canyon (including rope bridge), Trail of Two Forests and the entrance to the Ape Cave.
The Mount St Helens Creation Center shows how the eruptive events of 1980, and the recovery of the area subsequently, are best explained within a biblical context. We show that rapid geological and biological processes are precisely what we expect, when compared to the events of the worldwide Flood, recorded in the book of Genesis. Join us for Creation Presentations, Tours, Field Trips and More!
Paul Taylor is an international speaker on creation, evolution, Genesis and apologetics. He travels across the USA and elsewhere to speak on the subject, and has previously spoken throughout the UK and Europe. Paul has formerly worked for Answers in Genesis (UK) and for Creation Today (based in Pensacola, FL). Paul has also addressed conferences throughout America, sharing platforms with major speakers.