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Genesis Defense


About: Robbie Parsons

Robbie Parsons

Robbie Parsons is the founder and president of Genesis Defense, a ministry designed to allow the average Christian to possess the ability to defend their faith regarding Biblical Creation and the world-wide flood.

Robbie is a capable, engaging and passionate speaker.  He received his call to preach in October 2003, being licensed and ordained by a local church body in his home state of West Virginia.  He is also currently pursuing a Masters in Theology on a part time basis through distance learning.

Throughout his spiritual life, Robbie has served his local churches by serving God through the capacity of a sound room technician, a teacher, an AWANA Club leader, a deacon, a Sunday School Superintendent, an assistant pastor, a church camp counselor and director, and a member of church council.  Outside the church, he has been privileged to serve as a member of the local board for Child Evangelism Fellowship, as well as a representative on the state board for CEF.  He has also served in the capacity of performing monthly chapel services at a local rescue mission shelter.

Ministry: Genesis Defense

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